(   தமிழ்  விளக்கத்துடன் )                                               

Speaking English is very easy when you learn the rules of framing questions

வினா  எவ்வாறு  அமைப்பது என்று  தெரிந்து  கொண்டால் ஆங்கிலம் பேச  கற்றுக்கொள்ளவது   மிகவும்  எளிது .
 Rules of changing Pronouns

Answer                                   Question

You (singular)                                                                  I

You  (Plural )                                                                 We

She                                                                          No change
Name of the person / place

My                                                                               Your

So all second person in the answer should be changed  into first person.  All first person  in the question should be changed in to second person. No  change when name, place or thing come.
You  should  not change the third person singular or plural

 ( ex.)

Have seen  - Have ( Av) + Seen ( Main Verb)

Am going    - Am ( Av)  + going ( Main Verb)

Dividing  the verb  / Splitting the verb  is very important to frame a question

Speak               - Do + speak
Speaks             - Does + speak
Spoke               - Did + speak
Rules to frame questions  for  “yes” or “No” type.
Auxiliary Verb (AV)  + Subject ( N  / Pronoun)  +  Main  Verb  + Others

(துணை வினைச் சொல்  + பொருத்தமான  பெயர்ச்சொல் +முக்கிய  வினைச்சொல் )

Let us see some examples.
1 . Yes, I am going to school. ( ஆம்  நான்  பள்ளிக்கு  சென்றுகொண்டிருக்கிறேன் )
2.  Yes, I have gone to London  (ஆம் நான் லண்டனுக்கு சென்றிருக்கிறேன்) 
3.  No, I have never  been  to Honkong.  (இல்லை  நான் ஹாங்காங்குக்கு ஒருபோதும்     
                                                                                                                          சென்றதில்லை )
4. No, I was not employed in that company  (இல்லை நான் அந்த நிறுவனத்தில் 
5. No  I  am going to see my friend. (இல்லை .நான்  என் நண்பனைப் பார்க்க சென்றுகொண்டு 
                                                                                                            இருக்கிறேன் )
6. No, She  is a teacher.  ( இல்லை  அவள் ஒரு ஆசிரியை )

நீங்களே  தமிழில் மொழி' பெயர்த்துப் பாருங்களேன் ( மேற்கூறப்பட்ட 
தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பை நன்றாகப் பார்க்கவும் .)  முதல் மொழியில் சிந்தியுங்கள்  பின்பு  மொழிபெயர்த்துப்  பாருங்கள் )

1.    Are you going to school ?
2.    Have you gone to London?
3.    Have  you ever been to Hong Kong?
4.    Were you employed in that company?
5.    Are you going to see your mother?
6.    Is  she a house wife?

Now Let us skip  to  W / H   Type of questions
WH  (Interrogative  word ) + AUXILIARY VERB + SUBJECT + MAIN VERB + OTHERS
My   name is  Hans . /  I’m  Hans  - (what )
What is your name
Now try  to  frame question for the following answers  with simple example
1 .  I am reading the Hindu Newspaper  now.
2.  I read  the Hindu news paper  yesterday
4.  I read the Hindu news paper only on Sundays.
5.  I read the Hindu news paper at 7.a.m
6. I read the Hindu news paper  because  it  gives clear news

Framing questions for the above examples.
1.What  are you doing now?                       
I , am reading  a news paper now.
2.Which news paper are your reading?
I am reading The Hindu news paper.
3.Which news paper did you read yesterday?
I read  the Hindu newspaper yesterday.
4.Which newspaper do you  always read?
I  always read the Hindu newspaper.
5.How  often do you read the Hindu news paper ?
I  read the  Hindu only on  Sundays
6.Why do you read the Hindu newspaper?
I  read the Hindu newspaper because it gives clear news.
 Just add names before the following, it will become a clear spoken model

Hai, What  are you doing now?   Jane                   
I , am reading  a news paper (now)
Miss.Reena ,Which news paper are you reading?
I am reading The Hindu news paper.
Which news paper did you read yesterday? Miss.Ann
I read Hindu newspaper (yesterday).
Alan., Which newspaper do you  always read?
I  always read The Hindu newspaper.
How  often do you read the Hindu news paper ? Mr.Patric
I  read the  Hindu only on  Sundays
Danial., Why do you read  the Hindu newspaper?
I  read The Hindu newspaper because it gives clear news.
Please observe carefully and try with your own examples by changing the main content.

Develop the construction into spoken model slowly as given below
                Base                                                                        Modified
Hai, What are you doing now?                           Hallo!  dear ,what are you doing ?    
I , am reading  a news paper now.           /        I’m reading a news paper (now), Patric
Which news paper are you reading?               Is ,it, which news paper are you reading ?
                                                                       I am reading the Hindu news paper.
Which news paper did you read yesterday?   Oh! which newspaper did  you read                        yesterday?
I read the Hindu newspaper yesterday.
Which newspaper do you  always read?         Ok . Which newspaper do you always read?
always read the Hindu newspaper.
How  often do you read the Hindu news paper ? 
/Right , How often do you read the Hindu  Newspaper?                                                                                                                     
I usually read  the  Hindu only on  Sundays
Why do you read the Hindu newspaper     It’s right, why do you read the Hindu  
                                                                                    News paper.
I read The Hindu newspaper because it gives clear news.  -   Oh!  I see
Try ,try ,try again until you succeed. But be confident on your effort
See you next time with more examples


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