Abbreviations used in mobile messages and at the time of chatting 121- One-to-one (Person-to-person) AFK Away from keyboard
AKA- Also known as
ASAP- As soon as possible
ASL- Age/sex/location?
B4 -Before
BBL -Be back later
BRB- Be right back
BTW- By the way
CUZ- Because
FAQ- Frequently asked questions FYI For your information
IDK- I don't know
J/K- Just kidding
K - OK
L8R- Later
LOL- Laugh out loud
M/F- Male or female
MSG -Message
OIC- Oh, I see
P2P- Person-to-person
PLZ- Please
PM- Private message
SYL- See you later
TGIF- Thank goodness it's Friday THX Thanks
TTYL -Talk to you later